Saturday, April 28, 2012

Beehive Conference!

Big day for the Red Hat Queens and for our Chorus....we sang!  Stalls set up in a courtyard. Hats etc

A sea of Red and Purple.
  My favourite Hat. ..a little boater.

The chorus sang really well . we seem to be improving!!
And I won a door prize.... a free hair cut and blow wave.....except I have the best hairdresser in the
world , so I have to give it to someone else.
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Back from Sri Lanka

Lunch at Carol and Bills when they arrived home!
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Annual Op Shop for Breast Cancer!

 Every year our group the "Heavenly Hills Hatters hold an op-shop to raise funds for Breast Cancer.
Glenys [ Queen Magenta} holds it under her patio and garage. People just donate their clothes than take home a new wardrobe for $10 a bag sometimes two.
The cup of tea and scones bring in another $2. Last count it was over $900 and still counting [ we have some beautiful jewellery donated that we are currently selling]

 Glenys [ sitting ] is recovering from knee surgery. She's a trooper, nothing seems to keep her down.
Cynthia is a member of our R.H.Chorus,
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Pt.Bouvarde/ Mandurah!

 What a lovely week we had

dinner on the patio'

swimming at the beach

canoeing on the canal.

 This cheeky fella was waiting for

his fish n chips. When we didn't offer

he decided to help himself!
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The Hunt!

 Carol and Bill are in Sri Lanka
visiting Felicity and family, so
we were offered the house at Pt.Bouvarde.

Easter egg hunting!
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Our Bishop....Peter , put up this
lovely display in the foyer.

note: Olive leaves in jar , he just
thought of everything that encompassed
the last days of our Saviour
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 Well things have been
a bit hectic, but all has settled down .

Rather than go backward,
[I'm not going there]
we shall start with
our Emma-Kate, modelling her new 'dancing skirt'

Donna and Co., came to Perth so our little Ben
oops big Ben [7 ] could have his tonsils out.
What an ordeal that was!

But as 'old Bill, shakespeare" would say:
Alls well, that ends well.

So when Ben recovered, we all enjoyed each others company. So lovely to have the Kalgoorlie children with us.
We caught up with cousins and aunts, friends and had some adventures along the way.
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