Friday, March 9, 2012


 Lily and Ivy .....".we are going to be
twins today Grandma".

Ivy bought Lily this beautiful little top with the foxes on. Both wore the same multicoloured tiered skirts and of course the lunch boxes.....a gift from Ivy to Lily.
She was so excited to have her friend come back to school for a few weeks. Ivy now lives in America, but the two little 'darlings' have kept in touch.

Two little 'book ends' with their

school friend. Skye.

Something about Steiner educated children that give them a 'serenity' I haven't seen in other children. And believe me I have helped teach hundreds of them. It fosters childhood.
These children aren't influenced by T.V. or computers, all not encouraged during
the week. They have a Friday Night movie [ chosen ] computers are used on weekends, this encourages the children to read, write, draw, their crafts are amazing. They knit and crochet like adults. Never have to be entertained, they are so creative. All play musical instuments, just part of the school daily program.
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  1. They look so darling and cute oh no I sound like I've been here to long.....but none theless they really are gorgeous
