Wednesday, May 30, 2012

HERS night!...Relief Society Night!

Well half of us are still stuck on Homemaking, Enrichment, but now we call it Relief Society Night.
Whatever...HERS covers it all!
 We started with Jeni and her wonderful presentation
of the $21 a week challenge. As one has come to expect -   very informative and a wonderful teacher.
Has since been asked to do it in the Dianella Ward.......good on ya luv!
 This was followed by an Apron Parade.
 Amazing the stories an apron can tell 
 Yvette with Guieseppe, who wasn't going to miss out .
He spent the night chasing his Mother and sisters up and down the cat-walk.
Our brave male......David. 
 Jeni modeling her 1980's memorablia....quite amusing!
Carol in the modern version of a depression apron. 
 Dianne. This apron was beautiful with blocks of French paintings.
the picture doesn't do it justice.Frills over the shoulder. Made by our lovely R.S. Pres. Honor Morris.
Here he is again , our David in a Butchers apron. Nearly all remember when they were worn in local butcher shop where the meat was cut in front of you.
Sylvia with a fasinating story about her mothers apron.
She wore this apron in the vineyards. It's pockets were filled with 'nuts' to ward off hunger during the long hot days , cutting instuments and wire. Behind Sylvias back is a grape vine twig.
Her mother would swat them with it if they got naughty.
Our bevy of beauties in the Vinyl aprons.....did you know they are sort after on e-bay?
 so if you have any hiding, epsecially with flowers, you could make yourself a bit of money!
Jim Balfour painted this apron, he called it the Tree of Life. 
 Yvette modelling her grandfathers apron. He was a baker.
and had a cake shop.
Just a rectangular piece of calico. It was so easy to make and could be adapted .
 Just loved it!
Another beautiful story. Jeni is a master practisioner for the "spark of Life  program"
The program helps patrons with Alzheimers.  She went to a conference in Canada last year
and each person was presented with an apron, painted by a 'A' patient.
The man who painted this apron had lost his ability to speak,, but he loved to paint .Such beautiful soft colours, just perfect! 
 And here is your 'desperate housewife' compere!
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In her sisters footsteps!

With a sister like Maizy, no wonder Lily was soooo good!
Maizy has been in lead rolls since she was 9.
Just couldn't resist putting this one in, the picture says it all 
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Liluths acting debut!

The sign says it all:   
 Held at the old Parkerville Hall

Lilys first leading roll......she was wonderful! 
The cheering squad!
 Laura, India, Maizy, Evie.
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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Red Hat chorus, service project

The girls in the Chorus sand on Sunday Afternoon
For the Masonic Widows. 
 They loved it, especially Taui, our pianist.
It was held at the Inglewood Seniors Centre. 
 Even though five were missing we managed
to sound OK.
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Three old bags!

 No, not us!
Went to Mandurah and met up with Gayle, it had been her birthday during the week.
It was a glorious day, we had brunch, then  
 Lined our Bags up!
Actually there not 'old' at all. All three of us had new handbags. So Lajla suggested we take
a photo of them. .THERE ALL THE SAME SIZE!
I'm blaming Gayle for this 'addiction"
Hot tomarli's [ probably spelt wrong] FANTASTIC. I even rummaged through my bag this morning
in the hope of finding some that may have dropped out of my bag......Oh Bliss!  Found 2.
They could replace chocolate.........if I could buy them here. Gayle had them sent from U.S.
Nah, maybe not replace chocolate, but a close em!
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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Bettys Birthday Month

If ever there was a picture of love and devotion  
 This would be it!
Ken , in his 90's still caring for his 'girl" 
 Such a beautiful couple and an example of a great marriage.
 Nothing keeps this woman down, she still sews and remains interested in every thing around her, especially her wonderful family,
In her younger day she would have made a great Prime Minister , meaning she has always stood up for women's rights. A real organiser, talented to her little finger.
The first Relief Society President in Greenmount.
Weren't we blessed!. She laid the foundation for many a good woman to follow.
Her influence will  been felt by generations of LDS woman.
 Have a wonderful year Betty....go girl!
 Love you..............from all the sisters in Greenmount.
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Heavenly Hills Red Hatter 'club house"'s ours every second Sat. of the month from 11am till 1pm 
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Red Hats morning tea!

Morning Tea at Woodbridge House.

My Red Hat 'sister' again.  to the U.S. and Norway
 Christine and Julie
This happy bunch of women, love em! 
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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Kay's garden!

Many years ago [ about 20 ] my friend Kay
 gave me a few cutting of this plant
she warned me  it will spread! 
 It grows everywhere and anywhere
And I just love it. Always a reminder of her when it flowers. It is beautiful!
Nurtures my soul to look at! 
 It's now flowering in the front of the house
Along the pavement 
 and it started with just one little plant!
Thanks Kay! 
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