Thursday, May 10, 2012

Kay's garden!

Many years ago [ about 20 ] my friend Kay
 gave me a few cutting of this plant
she warned me  it will spread! 
 It grows everywhere and anywhere
And I just love it. Always a reminder of her when it flowers. It is beautiful!
Nurtures my soul to look at! 
 It's now flowering in the front of the house
Along the pavement 
 and it started with just one little plant!
Thanks Kay! 
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  1. This is like Pay it Forward ! When my dad died you gave me a pot of this and told me that it would scatter throughtout the garden and remind me of him - it has indeed. thanks Pam, thanks Kay xxxx

  2. Me too. Love the photo with the "girl" xxx

  3. hey I will need some of that too as I am needing to revamp The Creek garden to put it on the market. Joel says it needs to go back to cottage look so I think some of Kays blue would work.
