Sunday, May 6, 2012

Lady Pamela and the Rolls Royce

It started with "Hey Mum come outside and see what I've got"!
Oh I thought to myself, they have bought a new car.
My eyes nearly popped out of my head.
Blimey!, it's a Rolls Royce!
We all had to have a seat behind the wheel......except for me
I did it in style!
The Truth?

It was Abi's boss's car and he needed it to go out for a drive....hee. hee. they landed at our place.
It was actually offered to them as a swap for Abi's tourist bus, but the upkeep wasn't worth it.....DARN!
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  1. Oh my goodness - now that is STYLE!!!!!!!!
    It really suits you darls - to the manner born :)
