This is the building that Bob fell from as a boy. When they built it,[ the boys ] he had to take a wheelborrow full of cement up a plank to this balcony
He told Bro ...... that he couldn't do it. But with some physical persuasion, he pushed it up, and of course the plank snapped and he came down, barrow, cement the lot. He was rushed to Pearce airforce base stayed overnight with a bruised kidney and bad back, only to be
put back to work the next morning by the brothers...............they were a tough lot!
Bobs claim to fame.......the toes of the Christus are his. The Italian man who made the statue used Bobs feet. Of course over the years its
become a bit of a pilgramage for the family to give homage to the toes. When Bobs Uncle Dan heard about the statue he wanted to see
it , so the dear soul [in his 80's, ] trudged up this very rocky hill.
wow, what a claim to fame with those toes Bob....
I must a homage to the toes as well..... better have a closer look next time I see you Bob ...But joking aside what an honor and how appropriate to walk the walk as you have done.