Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The garden

When we arrived home the back yard was soaking, especially the chook pen.

Clare had to let them free range in the yard.

Lots of work to be done, lots of pruning.

we haven't even started the back of the house yet too busy sorting the

front out.

Bob has a name for all the 'girls'. Not sure which one this is, but they lay

us at least 6 eggs a day, which we usually give to Clare and Warren.

They come running to him when they see him in the yard.


This gum tree , started life as a cricket stump for Warren and Bob

along with his cousin Paul and the Felt boys.

Or anyone that wanted to 'have a go'

We have had the limbs pruned a few times for fear they would fall on  the patio

. But 'she' is a beautiful shady tree. There is as much above as you see  below........

........she's a big girl!
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  1. The garden looks great and your "girl" is beautiful xxx

  2. Am I looking at Kings Park ???? just beautiful

  3. it looks lovely darling :)
