Tuesday, February 21, 2012

New Beginnings night!

This is the night reserved for introducing the "Beehive " group into the Young Womens program of the Church.
The lounge room looked wonderful, very colourful

Cupcakes with all the Y.W. colours.

Megan a councillor helped decorate

Vanessa and Megan are councillors in the Presidency. This picture doesn't do it justice, but under the tulle were fairy lights. The sign on
the board was done in fluro sticks and says: "Arise and Shine" the Y.W/s theme for the year.

Jasmin at the back, a real character.

Some of the girls chose not to be photographed. [ too old, for this kids stuff]

After all these years, I'm back in Young Women's [ as a parent] who would have believed it?
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  1. You werealways meant to be a Young Women Grandmother .....How blessed she is......looks like a good night nice to see Ness and Jaz
