Tuesday, February 7, 2012

School Sri Lanka

Maizy and Liluth with Sofia and Will who are now in Sri Lanka with

their parents, Felicity and Darren. Felicity is home schooling, which should be

fun, having their mum teach them, and having experencing  the land their father was born in.

We took a walk along the walk trail to the "Old Swan View Station" which has been restored.

Bob and I can remember stopping at this platform [ very old fashion station then] on the

way to N.Z, back in the 60's. on the old steam train [ gosh are we that old?] It was about 1/12

hours journey from Perth back then .

I remember getting sandwiches and soup, from some ladies in the canteen.

We gave each other a kiss good night, then off to our 'segregated' carriages

It's part of the walk trail and people just picnic up here now. Over looks the city of Perth.

Sofia 'fishing' off the platform. Little love!
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  1. Segregated carriages - what a hoot! Brave Felicity to do Home Schooling xxx

  2. Great experiences for them very differant though xx
