Saturday, February 4, 2012

We're off to high school.

Laura and Maizy have made the transition to 'high school'
Tried to find the photo of them as babies , both in a cot with
their bottles...........seems like yesterday!

Goodbye Mum, I'll be fine!

It's had to leave your 'little' girl, but Grandma and Grandad

will look after her.

Wed. 1st Feb.

Kalamunda High School..........Aunty Jades old school bag [ new actually, Jade bought it the

last few months of year 12, she's been saving it all these years]

Laura is full of confidence and ready to take on the 'world'
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  1. Before you know it they'll be at uni !! Love to see that school bag being passed on from aunty :)
    JL xx

  2. Our Jayde stats High School tomorrow in Canberra, they start in year 7, such a big step for our precious girls isn't it? a big year for Grandma & Grandad too xxx
