Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sonia McDougall - one year on!

Taken at Sonia's 21st Birthday, she's sitting on Bobs knee.

Betty, Sonia, Gloria and myself.

It will be one year tomorrow since she passed away ... Brain Tumour.

She changed the course of my life.

What a star she was, a vibrant little red head. School teacher, Air Hostess,


I first met her at a the Mt.Lawley Tennis Club dance, she was still in school,

I had left 2 years before her.

But you don't forget a personality like that. So when she turned up in Melbourne [ I was on a working holiday] and knocked on my door

I recognised her straight away..........The rest is history!
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1 comment:

  1. I don't remember her Pam, but the group photo has some familiar faces. Back row -Diana Winter? Sonia McPherson, Grace McAlpine, Geoff & Lesley Liddicoat, ?, Margaret Dawson, Anne Dixon?
    Front row - ?, ?, Bob, ?, Derek Spencer. How'd I go? How come Sonia was on a mission before she was 21?
